Daily Archive: January 12, 2017

Thursday Gervais Dubina’s story and her quest to smash the Red Bull Trans-Siberian Extreme event!

Sometimes life gives us challenges and sometimes we seek them out. It’s my turn to choose!

My name is Thursday Gervais, I am a cancer survivor, I am an ultra-distance cyclist, and I will be the first female to race my bicycle 9,224 km across Russia in 25 days, 14 stages, setting a new world record!

I am competing in the RedBull Trans-Siberian Extreme. It’s the world’s longest and toughest bicycle race. Twice the distance of the Race Across America, and I’m doing it solo!

But here is the important part…

I want to show other women and girls that there are no limits to what they can do, including ultra-distance cycling and, in the process; I will be raising money for the National Kidney Foundation and Organ Donor Awareness.

Why the National Kidney Foundation? I’m taking Denile Hill, fellow cyclist, with me on this adventure as my support person. She has had a kidney transplant and spent 12 years on dialysis awaiting the second transplant. Without the NKF Denile would not be here to support me.

I need your support to cross that finish line in Vladivostok.

Donations will be used in part, to get us to Russia and back, purchase items we are unable to acquire through sponsors and incidentals that may occur while we are in Russia. The majority of the money raised will go to the NKF. Please consider donating and please share our story with others, whether they be survivors, family, friends or just people who care.

Who Inspires You?

I am dedicating every stage of my race to an inspirational person. There are 14 total stages and I want to know who you’d like to dedicate a stage to. Who has inspired you? Please share your story with me on my website and tell me how this person has inspired you and maybe even countless others and why you’d like a stage dedicated to them.

How This Works

Between now and Jan.8, 2017 and leave me a name and the reason you’d like to dedicate a stage in the RBTSE to that person. It can be anyone, living or lovingly remembered. On Monday January 9, 2017, I will announce stage dedications on www.thursdaygervais.com and social media. I will be asking you to then share this announcement and my gofundme page with everyone you know, after all, I am raising $100k for the National Kidney Foundation. We you donate to the gofundme page, in the comments, leave the name of the person you are dedicating your donation to.

Why Dedicating a Stage is Important

For my race, the RedBull Trans-Siberian Extreme, the shortest stage is 198 miles and my longest is 849 miles. When you’re cycling for someone else, it’s easier to keep going.

Charity cyclists know that when they get to the toughest parts in the race, thinking of the people/causes they’re supporting can help them to keep going. Each day before the start I will read the story of the person who the stage has been dedicated to and when the going gets tough I’ll have them, and you, to pull me along.

Thanks to all for your support and enthusiasm.

Here is the fun part: the person who has the most funds donated in their name on my gofundme page (Cycling for the National Kidney Foundation) will have a special donation made to the National Kidney Foundation in their name and the person who nominated them will receive a signed print of my painting “Road To Russia”.

Please support me on my journey. There are many ways you can help..

Helpful Links to learn more!

In the News:

Bloomington ultra-cyclist headed to Russian extreme race